跨境电商独立站卖家可通过SmartPush与 ChatGPT 直接互动,快速生成邮件内容


跨境电商独立站卖家可通过SmartPush与 ChatGPT 直接互动,快速生成邮件内容




但是近日,ChatGPT 大面积封号,很多国内账号都未能幸免。部分营销人员表示,被封号后,工作效率大大降低。那么,我们要怎么才能顺利使用ChatGPT呢?

好消息是,SHOPLINE 自研的智能营销插件 Smart Push接入了ChatGPT,这也意味着 SHOPLINE 卖家可以在 SmartPush 中直接使用ChatGPT,而 ChatGPT 又反过来提高 SmartPush 的营销效率。

一、如何在 SmartPush 使用 ChatGPT?

1. 开通指引

目前 SmartPush 的 ChatGPT 功能正在火热内测中,跨境电商独立站商家如需使用,请联系您的SHOPLINE成功顾问/SmartPush客户经理或发送邮件至info@smartpushedm.com免费试用。


2. 在首页常驻入口与 ChatGPT 互动

获得内测账号并在 SHOPLINE 店铺安装好 应用插件后,进入SmartPush首页,点击 ChatGPT 的标志就能开始与 ChatGPT 互动了。输入您想问的问题,让ChatGPT为您答疑解惑。

3. 新建营销活动,快速编辑多语言营销文案

3.1 在Email 营销中使用 ChatGPT

# 使用 ChatGPT 生成邮件主题

在 SmartPush 创建邮件营销后,跨境电商独立站卖家可以直接使用 ChatGPT 来生成邮件主题的生成。在此处,您不需要输入大段地指令,只要几个关键词,就能自动生成邮件标题。还可以设置标题是否包含 emoji,支持输出34种语言,轻松触达全球市场。

# 使用 ChatGPT生成邮件内容


3.2 在 SMS 营销中使用 ChatGPT

跨境电商独立站卖家在 Smart Push 创建 SMS 营销后,也可以直接用关键词生成短信内容:

二、如何正确地向 ChatGPT 提问?

虽然 ChatGPT 可以为跨境电商独立站营销人提供了很多方便和效率,但是为了准确地得到所需的内容和信息,正确的提问技巧很重要。就这个问题,我们向  ChatGPT 发出了提问:



1. 目标受众:您的邮件营销内容是针对哪个人群的?例如,年龄、性别、职业、兴趣爱好等。

2. 目标目的:您的邮件营销内容的目的是什么?例如,增加销售、提高品牌知名度、促进客户忠诚度等。

3. 产品或服务:您的邮件营销内容是关于什么产品或服务的?请提供相关的信息和特点。

4. 竞争对手:您的竞争对手是谁?他们的邮件营销内容有哪些特点?您需要提供这些信息,以便我们可以为您提供更好的建议。

5. 邮件主题:您的邮件主题是什么?请提供一个简短而有吸引力的主题,以便吸引读者的注意力。 

6. 内容要点:您希望在邮件营销内容中强调哪些要点?请提供相关的信息和细节。

7. 邮件格式:您希望邮件的格式是什么?例如,纯文本、HTML、图像等。 


所以在 SmartPush 中向 ChatGPT 提问时,跨境电商独立站卖家需要提供邮件目标受众、目的、产品或服务、竞争对手、邮件主题、内容要点、邮件格式等内容,ChatGPT 才能输出有效的营销内容。

三、ChatGPT 参考案例

1. 用SmartPush内置的 ChatGPT 生成邮件标题

1.1 指令一:万圣节折扣活动

  • Generate 5 different Labor Day Sales Email subject lines, with a special offer of 50% discount for online shopping until midnight 23:59 with emoji

1.2 指令二:新品上线‍

  • Generate 5 subject lines for an email campaign introducing a new eco-friendly clothing line with emoji.

1.3 其他 ChatGPT 参考指令

  • Compose 5 subject lines for an email reminding customers about the items left in their cart and the benefits of completing their order.
  • Create 5 subject lines for an email campaign offering exclusive discounts to win back lapsed customers.
  • Please write 5 different subject lines for an email sharing customer success stories.
  • Please write 5 different subject lines for a summer sale email campaign.
  • Please write 5 different subject lines for a welcome email to new subscribers.
  • Please write 5 email body examples for a Buy-One-Get-One-Free promotion on a specific product category, highlighting the limited availability and great value of the offer.

‍如果希望在邮件标题中加入emoji,只需要在上述指令的末尾加 “with emoji” 就可以了。‍

1.4 用关键词生成邮件标题‍


2. 欢迎邮件

2.1 欢迎邮件指令

  • Write a warm welcome email for new subscribers, including a 10% discount on their first purchase.

以下是 ChatGPT 的完整回答:‍

Dear [Name],‍

Welcome to our community! We are thrilled to have you as a new subscriber and we can't wait to share our latest updates, news, and offers with you.‍

As a token of our appreciation, we would like to offer you a 10% discount on your first purchase. Simply use the code [CODE] at checkout to redeem your discount.‍

We hope you enjoy browsing our website and discovering our products. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help.‍

Thank you for joining us and we look forward to connecting with you soon.‍

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2.2 其他 ChatGPT 指令:‍

  • Write a warm and inviting subject line for a welcome email to new subscribers.
  • Craft a welcome email that includes an exclusive offer or discount for new subscribers.

2.3 用关键词生成欢迎邮件‍


3. 促销邮件‍

3.1 ChatGPT指令‍

  • Please write 5 different subject lines for a 24hour flash sale email campaign, offering a 30% discount on select items. Create a sense of urgency and exclusivity for the recipients.


Dear valued customer,‍

We are excited to announce a 24hour flash sale on select items, exclusively for our email subscribers. For the next 24 hours, you can enjoy a 30% discount on these items, but act fast because this offer won't last long!‍

This is your chance to get your hands on some of our most popular products at an unbeatable price. From stylish clothing to must have accessories, we have something for everyone.‍

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to save big on your favorite items. Remember, this offer is only available for the next 24 hours, so make sure to take advantage of it before it's too late.‍

Thank you for being a loyal customer, and we hope you enjoy this special offer.‍Best regards,[Your Name]

3.2 其他 ChatGPT 指令:

  • Compose 4 different email body variations for a 24hour flash sale with an emphasis on urgency, enticing customers to shop now and save 30% on select items.
  • Generate 5 email body samples to promote a flash sale that lasts only 24 hours, focusing on the value of the 30% discount and the fleeting nature of the promotion.

3.3 用关键词生成促销邮件


4. 弃购邮件‍

4.1 ChatGPT指令‍

  • Generate email body offering a limited-time discount to encourage customers to complete their purchase.


Dear valued customer,

We noticed that you have items in your shopping cart that you haven't checked out yet. We understand that sometimes life gets busy, but we don't want you to miss out on the amazing products you've chosen.

To help you complete your purchase, we're offering a limited-time discount of 10% off your entire order. This offer is only valid for the next 48 hours, so don't wait too long to take advantage of it.Simply enter the code COMPLETETHEPURCHASE at checkout to apply the discount to your order.

We appreciate your business and hope that this discount will encourage you to finish your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.Thank you for choosing our company for your shopping needs.

Best regards,

[Your name]

4.2 其他 ChatGPT 指令:

  • Please write an email body addressing cart abandonment.
  • Compose an email body reminding customers about the items left in their cart and the benefits of completing their order.

4.3 用关键词生成弃购邮件


5. 上新邮件

5.1 ChatGPT 指令

  • Please write an email body announcing the release of Floral Mini Skirts for summer holiday.


Dear valued customers,

We are excited to announce the release of our latest collection of Floral Mini Skirts just in time for the summer holiday season! These skirts are perfect for any occasion, whether you're heading to the beach or out for a night on the town.

Our Floral Mini Skirts come in a variety of colors and patterns, so you're sure to find one that suits your style. They are made from high-quality materials that are both comfortable and durable, ensuring that you can wear them all summer long.

We understand that finding the perfect summer outfit can be a challenge, which is why we've designed these skirts to be versatile and easy to wear. Pair them with a simple t-shirt and sandals for a casual look, or dress them up with heels and a blouse for a more formal occasion.We are confident that our Floral Mini Skirts will become a staple in your summer wardrobe. So why not treat yourself to a new skirt today and get ready to make a statement this summer!

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you in our stores soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

5.2 其他 ChatGPT 指令

  • Generatean email body introducing a new eco-friendly clothing line.
  • Compose an email body announcing the launch of a new online course on digital marketing strategies.

5.3 用关键词生成上新邮件


还有更多关于 ChatGPT 在邮件营销中的使用等你发掘!跨境电商独立站卖家快去 SHOPLINE 的应用商店安装SmartPush后试用吧!





